Saturday, May 24, 2008

Coming Up Next Week..

Next week on The Spark! are a few topics that were sent in to me. I'm going to do something I don't normally do just to give you all a little example of what we're talking about.

Topic #1; Someone asked me what they should use other then Yahoo after hearing me talk about Microsoft buying Yahoo.

Topic #2: I've been asked a couple of times now to transfer servers on World of Warcraft for a *guaranteed* raiding spot. I'll be telling you all why that is *not* happening

Topic #3; I was told about Wii Fit outselling the PS3 in Japan. We'll chat about why that is a big deal.

...What about machinima? Well. We're not talking about that this week. We *are* going to chat a bit about my role at Burning Man Studios

Still got suggestions for topics? You can send them in to

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