Monday, May 12, 2008

SPARK #4: "I Should Be a Therapist"

SPARK #4: "I Should Be a Therapist"

This episode of SPARK, you bring a ton of new topics to the table. Candace admits her newest "addiction" on the internet and, other topics are;
- Games as Escapism ..and Candace's own version of therapy
- Twitter and why it's "the geeks social network"
- People who speak in "net speak"
- Candace's moment of nerd rage over combat systems

Download it here: Episode 4!

Show Notes:

Candace's Twitter Feed:
The Geek Media's Twitter Feed:
Baka Savants:
Nathan Allen Pinard:
Acolyte 1.5:


Golavar said...

I used to get my ass handed to me when I was a kid. I actually thank my Dad for it.

Golavar said...

el oh el. I need to save my comments for the end of the show. <3 and Maybe I'll start posting on the forums XD