Friday, May 16, 2008

Bad Reviews? Oh noes!

Recently, a bad review for Chronicle of the Annoying Quest was pointed out to me. The person who pointed it out was very concerned and, found this negative comment out of a sea of good comments. Someone else wrote a review people took as "bad". It wasn't a bad review at all. The person just didn't understand a few things but, they did give their compliments.

I've been asked before how I deal with bad reviews and comments. It's pretty simple. I don't pay too much attention to them. I've been getting bad reviews for 2 years. I've had downright nasty comments from people. I pay no attention to them at all.

In a sea of good comments and, people praising Chronicle of the Annoying Quest, one comment was picked out. Well, what about the other 90 something good ones? Someone e-mails me and says "Candace, I loved thex I hate SPARK." Well, I'm sorry you feel that way but, looking at the hundreds of people who get my podcast I think someone likes it. Someone tells me "I'm not interested at all in the video game you are doing a voice for. I don't like it." Again, I'm sorry. It's not a genre for everyone but I know for a fact a lot of people are interested in it.

I have a pretty good way of handling bad reviews and comments. Sometimes, it's constructive critcism that others take as a bad comment. I do pay attention to those. However, things that are negative or rude I don't pay any attention to. I enjoy myself and, my audience seems to enjoy what it is I do.

I'll start paying attention when more bad then good comments come along. That's when I might sit back and wonder if I'm doing something wrong. However, one bad comment out of a sea of good ones won't bother me too much.

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